Galaxy Clustering, Halo Occupation Distribution, and Cosmology
The formation of galaxies is a complicated process involving baryonic
physics on a range of spatial and temporal scales. The
distribution of galaxies, therefore, does not necessarily follow that of
the underlying dark matter. This difference, called galaxy bias, cannot be
accurately predicted because we lack a perfect theory of galaxy formation.
An empirical determination of galaxy bias, however,
can provide important information about galaxy formation, and it also
constitutes a crucial step towards constraining cosmology with galaxy
clustering data. A large part of my research is devoted to
interpreting galaxy clustering in a meaningful way, so as to extract the
relation between distributions of galaxies and dark matter and to learn about
galaxy formation and cosmology.
The basis of my work is the framework of the Halo Occupation Distribution
(HOD). The HOD describes the relation between galaxies and dark matter
at the level of individual dark matter halos whose properties can be
readily predicted for a given cosmological model. The HOD framework provides
a powerful tool to model galaxy clustering and to connect galaxy clustering
to cosmology through linking galaxies to dark matter halos.
I performed theoretical studies of the HOD and developed accurate analytic
methods to model galaxy clustering within the HOD framework. I have applied
HOD modeling to galaxy clustering data in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
and other datasets to learn about galaxy formation and evolution and cosmology.
Some Highlights:
demonstrated the existence of a break in the galaxy two-point correlation
functions with SDSS data and interpreted it as the transition between
contributions by intra-halo and inter-halo galaxy pairs
(Zehavi, Weinberg, Zheng, et al. 2004)
predicted strong departures of high-z galaxy two-point correlation functions
from power law, which has since been confirmed by observation
(Zheng 2004)
with a comprehensive theoretical analysis,
showed the ability of modeling of multiple clustering statistics to separately
constrain HOD and cosmology and thus the ability of HOD modeling to greatly
improve our understanding of galaxy formation and our constraints on
cosmological parameters
(Zheng & Weinberg 2007)
inferred the luminosity and color dependence of the HOD with SDSS data
(Zehavi, Zheng, et al. 2005, 2011)
obtained cosmological constraints, in particular on Omega_m and sigma_8 from
HOD modeling of galaxy two-point correlation functions and the mass-to-light
ratio of large scale structures
(Abazajian, Zheng, et al.
2005, Tinker, Weinberg, Zheng, & Zehavi, 2005)
inferred interesting trends in galaxy evolution from HOD modeling of galaxy
clustering at multiple redshifts
(Zheng, Coil, & Zehavi 2007,
White, Zheng, et al. 2007,
Brown, Zheng, et al. 2008)
Theoretical Work on Galaxy/AGN Clustering, HOD Modeling, and Galaxy Formation
Accurate and Efficient Halo-based Galaxy Clustering Modelling with Simulations
Zheng Zheng & Hong Guo
MNRAS, 458, 4015 (2016)
A New Method to Correct for Fiber Collisions in Galaxy Two-point Statistics
Hong Guo, Idit Zehavi, & Zheng Zheng,
ApJ, 756, 127 (2012)
The Halo Occupation Distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei
Suchetana Chatterjee, Colin DeGraf, Jonathan Richardson, Zheng Zheng , Daisuke Nagai, & Tiziana Di Matteo,
MNRAS, 419, 2657 (2012)
The Growth of Galaxy Stellar Mass Within Dark Matter Halos
Idit Zehavi, Santiago Patiri, & Zheng Zheng,
ApJ, 746, 145 (2012)
Extending Recovery of the Primordial Matter Power Spectrum
Jaiyul Yoo, David H. Weinberg, Jeremy L. Tinker, Zheng Zheng, & Michael S. Warren,
ApJ, 698, 967 (2009)
Environmental Effects on Real-Space and Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering
Ying Zu, Zheng Zheng, Guangtun Zhu, & Y.P. Jing,
ApJ, 686, 41 (2008)
The Dependence of Occupation of Galaxies on Halo Formation Time
Guangtun Zhu, Zheng Zheng,
W.P. Lin, Y.P. Jing, Xi Kang, & Liang Gao,
ApJ, 639, L5 (2006)
Breaking the Degeneracies Between Cosmology and Galaxy Bias
Zheng Zheng & David H. Weinberg,
ApJ, 659, 1 (2007)
From Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing to Cosmological Parameters
Jaiyul Yoo, Jeremy L. Tinker, David H. Weinberg,
Zheng Zheng, Neal Katz, & Romeel Davé
ApJ, 652, 26 (2006)
Redshift-Space Distortions with the Halo Occupation Distribution I: Numerical Simulations
J.L. Tinker, D.H. Weinberg, & Z. Zheng,
MNRAS, 368, 85 (2006)
Theoretical Models of the Halo Occupation Distribution: Separating Central
and Satellite Galaxies
Zheng Zheng, et al.
ApJ, 633, 791 (2005)
Projected Three-Point Correlation Functions and Galaxy Bias
Zheng Zheng,
ApJ, 614, 527 (2004)
Do Distinct Cosmological Models Predict Degenerate Halo Populations?
Zheng Zheng,
Jeremy L. Tinker, David H. Weinberg, & Andreas A. Berlind,
ApJ, 575, 617 (2002)
Galaxy/AGN Clustering Measurements and Applications of HOD Modeling
On the Clustering of Faint Red Galaxies
Haojie Xu, Zheng Zheng, Hong Guo, Ju Zhu, & Idit Zehavi
MNRAS, accepted
Modelling Galaxy Clustering: Halo Occupation Distribution versus Subhalo Matching
Hong Guo, Zheng Zheng, Peter S. Behroozi, et al.
MNRAS, 459, 3040 (2016)
Redshift-Space Clustering of SDSS Galaxies --- Luminosity Dependence, Halo Occupation Distribution, and Velocity Bias
Hong Guo, Zheng Zheng, et al.
MNRAS, 453, 4368 (2015)
On the intermediate-redshift central stellar mass-halo mass relation, and implications for the evolution of the most massive galaxies since z~1
Francesco Shankar, Hong Guo, et al.
ApJL, 797, L27 (2014)
Modeling The Redshift-Space Three-Point Correlation Function in SDSS-III
Hong Guo, Zheng Zheng, Y.P. Jing, et al.
MNRAS, 449, L95 (2015)
Velocity Bias from the Small Scale Clustering of SDSS-III BOSS Galaxies
Hong Guo, Zheng Zheng, Idit Zehavi, Kyle Dawson, et al.
MNRAS, 446, 578 (2015)
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: modeling of the luminosity and colour dependence in the Data Release 10
Hong Guo, Zheng Zheng, Idit Zehavi, Haojie Xu, et al.
MNRAS, 441, 2398 (2014)
The Halo Occupation Distribution of X-ray-Bright Active Galactic Nuclei: A Comparison with Luminous Quasars
Jonathan W. Richardson, Suchetana Chatterjee, Zheng Zheng, Adam Myers, Ryan C. Hickox
ApJ, 774, 143 (2013)
Cross-Correlation of SDSS DR7 Quasars and DR10 BOSS Galaxies: The Weak Luminosity Dependence of Quasar Clustering at z~0.5
Yue Shen, Cameron McBride, Martin White, Zheng Zheng, et al.
ApJ, 778, 98 (2013)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Luminosity and Color Dependence and Redshift Evolution
Hong Guo, Idit Zehavi, Zheng Zheng, David H. Weinberg, et al.
ApJ, 767, 122 (2013)
The Halo Occupation Distribution of SDSS Quasars
Jonathan Richardson, Zheng Zheng, Suchetana Chatterjee, Daisuke Nagai, Yue Shen,
ApJ, 755, 30 (2012)
Galaxy Clustering in the Completed SDSS Redshift Survey: The Dependence on
Color and Luminosity
Idit Zehavi, Zheng Zheng, David H. Weinberg, Michael R.R Blanton, et al.,
ApJ, 736, 59 (2011)
Interpreting the Clustering of Distant Red Galaxies
Jeremy L. Tinker, Risa H. Wechsler, & Zheng Zheng,
ApJ, 709, 67 (2010)
Halo Occupation Distribution Modeling of Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies
Zheng Zheng, et al.,
ApJ, 707, 554
Red Galaxy Growth and the Halo Occupation Distribution
Michael J.I. Brown, Zheng Zheng, et al.,
ApJ, 682, 937 (2008)
Galaxy Evolution from Halo Occupation Distribution Modeling of DEEP2 and SDSS Galaxy Clustering
Zheng Zheng, Alison L. Coil, & Idit Zehavi,
ApJ, 667, 760 (2007)
Evidence for Merging or Disruption of Red Galaxies from the Evolution of Their Clustering
Martin White, Zheng Zheng, et al.,
ApJ, 655, L69 (2007)
On the Mass-to-Light Ratio of Large Scale Structure
J.L. Tinker, D.H. Weinberg, Z. Zheng, &
I. Zehavi,
ApJ, 631, 41 (2005)
The Luminosity and Color Dependence of the Galaxy Correlation Function
I. Zehavi, Z. Zheng, et al.,
ApJ, 630, 1 (2005)
Cosmology and the Halo Occupation Distribution from Small-Scale
Galaxy Clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Kevork Abazajian, Zheng Zheng, et al.,
ApJ, 625, 613 (2005)
Interpreting the Observed Clustering of Red Galaxies at z~3
Zheng Zheng,
ApJ, 610, 61 (2004)
On Departures from a Power Law in the Galaxy Correlation Function
Zehavi, I., Weinberg, D., Zheng, Z.,
Berlind, A., Frieman, J., et al.,
ApJ, 608, 16 (2004)
Other Work on Galaxy/AGN Clustering and Galaxy Formation
The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III
Shadab Alam, et al. (SDSS-III Collaboration)
ApJS, submitted
On the intermediate-redshift central stellar mass-halo mass relation, and implications for the evolution of the most massive galaxies since z~1
Francesco Shankar, Hong Guo, et al.
ApJL, 797, L27 (2014)
A Direct Measurement of the Mean Occupation Function of Quasars: Breaking Degeneracies between Halo Occupation Distribution Models
Suchetana Chatterjee, My Nguyen, Adam Myers, & Zheng Zheng
ApJ, 779, 147 (2013)
The Tenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
Ahn, C. P., et al. (SDSS-III Collaboration)
ApJS, 211, 17 (2013)
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: the Low Redshift Sample
John K. Parejko, et al.,
MNRAS, 429, 98 (2013)
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III
Dawson, K.~S., et al. (SDSS-III Collaboration),
AJ, 145, 10 (2013)
The Ninth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
Ahn, C. P., et al. (SDSS-III Collaboration),
ApJS, 203, 21 (2012)
The Clustering of Galaxies at z~0.5 in the SDSS-III Data Release 9 BOSS-CMASS Sample: a Test for the LCDM Cosmology
S.E. Nuza, A.G. Sanchez, F. Prada, et al.,
MNRAS, 432, 743 (2013)
The Growth of Galaxy Stellar Mass Within Dark Matter Halos
Idit Zehavi, Santiago Patiri, & Zheng Zheng,
ApJ, 746, 145 (2012)
The Halo Occupation Distribution of Black Holes: Dependence on Mass
Colin DeGraf, et al.,
MNRAS, 416, 159 (2011)
The Clustering of Massive Galaxies at z~0.5 from the First Semester of BOSS Data
Martin White, et al.,
ApJ, 728, 126 (2011)
Primordial Non-Gaussianity from LAMOST Surveys
Yan Gong, Xin Wang, Zheng Zheng, & Xuelei Chen,
RAA, 10, 107 (2010)
Forecasting the Dark Energy Measurement with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations:
Prospects for the LAMOST surveys
Xin Wang, Xuelei Chen, Zheng Zheng, Fengquan Wu, Pengjie Zhang, &
Yongheng Zhao,
MNRAS, 394, 1775 (2009)
Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Large-Scale Correlation Function
of SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies
D.J. Eisenstein, I. Zehavi, D.W. Hogg, R. Scoccimarro, M.R. Blanton,
R.C. Nichol, R. Scranton, H. Seo, M. Tegmark, Z. Zheng, et al.,
ApJ, 633, 560 (2005)